Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Demo
Publisher: NovaLogic
Size: 132.3 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 4,319
User Rating:

8.9 out of 10
Category: Demo Games
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a war/first person shooter game set in 1990s when performing peace ops in Mogadishu, Somalia. The game developed by NovaLogic was published for Microsoft Windows by 2003. Then followed by versions for Mac OS X, PlayStation 2, and Xbox in 2004 till 2006. The Black Hawk Down is the sixth release of Delta Force series.

In this demo game, you will start the mission on the MH-6 'Little Bird' helicopter. Defend the helicopter from enemy's attack. Prevent beeing shot by missile as the helicopter will fall down and you will lose. The insurgents always try to shoot you down when on the air. If the helicopter down, your mission fails. If your army can pass through enemy's zone safely, the helicopter will take you to the target where you will continue the mission to release hostages.


  • Move = W, A, S, D
  • Direction = Mouse
  • Shoot = Left Click
  • Zoom = Right click
  • Rool to left/right = Q / E
  • Prone, crouch, stand, jump = Z, X, C, Spasi
  • Camera = F2, F3, F3
  • ... etc, see Options ~ Remap ~ Keyboard
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8.9 out of 10
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