One Day for Ched v1.0.4
Publisher: BS1 & BSL Team
Size: 470.9 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 731
User Rating:

4.2 out of 10
Category: Action Games
One Day for Ched is an FPS - action game where you will wander from one room to another and face off against a group of enemies equipped with machine gun and laser-plasma weapons.

This game was created in 2012 by a group of indie game programmers named BS1 & BSL Team. This game is made using Enreal Engine. It contains one scenario only which has several missions inside. Each time you lose, you will return to the beginning of the existing mission.

The difficulty level of the enemy is quite high. Chances are you will quickly lose at the first time you play it. It will take a while before you will realize that taking cover behind obstacles and moving left and right quickly will be necessary in order to survive longer.

The agility of dodging bullets while continuously shooting at the enemy is a great tactic to defeat all enemies. If you find the intro screen is long enough, just press Q to skip and go straight to the game.


  • W, A, S, D = Run.
  • Click = Shoot.
  • Q = Skip intro screen.
  • E = Grab weapon, Open the door, etc.
  • Esc = Show the exit menu.
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Excellent (10 points):
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Poor (0 poin):
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Avg. Point:
4.2 out of 10
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